Personal Coaching

During my time at Secondary School I was often the "go to person" when my fellow students had problems or issues.  Later as I move into employment I again found that people sought me out if they needed advise or simply an "ear to hear"

Then at college I spent my Wednesday afternoons studying Basic Counselling skills.  As I started to talk about what I was doing on this course, people began asking me to help them navigate their way through college life as well as help them to cope with working under the pressures it creates.

During the late 1990s I took a 2-day Personal Performance Coaching course in London.  At the time this was the only certificated coaching course there was in the UK.

In 2007 (after a gap of a few years) I studied for and was awarded the Diploma in Life Coaching having passed the final examinations with Honours.

I believe that between us, you and I can build an accurate picture of where you are in your life right now and then with that knowledge we can explore the ways that can help you to move towards the life that you want to be living, and then we begin to put those ways into practice.


Anna Siemaszko - Artist

"I found working with Dave very inspiring and helpful.  Even the first session was a breakthrough in many ways."

Linda Roper - Childminder / Carer

"I was astounded to realise the effect a coaching session with Dave had on me.  It was as if a blindfold had been removed from my eyes and I could see for the first time, with amazing clarity, my destination in life"

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  Hello and Merry Meet After what seems to be an absolute eternity I feel that I am now getting into a position where I can begin to reboot ...