Sunday, 23 July 2017

Forthcoming Posts (Updated 23rd July)

Hi it’s Dave and greetings from Ilfracombe, N Devon

I hope that you still find these posts interesting and helpful as we travel this road called “life.” 

So that said here is the list of the topics for the next 5 weeks, together with the posting dates for each one.

Wednesday 26th July“12 Critical Things We Should Not Tolerate 29”

Wednesday   2nd August – “Boost Your Self Confidence 30”

Wednesday 9th August -“Reasons We Put Things Off and How To Change That 31”

Wednesday 16th August – “A Discussion about Self Mastery 32”
Wednesday 23rd August – “50 Top Things To Do Before 50” 33
All of the above posts contain simple steps that anyone can follow. If used, these steps can help readers to make significant changes and hopefully, improvements in their lives.

To get early information about what we are doing and to take advantage of pre- release offers together with opportunities to get some exclusive items it would be fantastic to have you join our group of like minded people (the tribe).

To join please visit our Facebook page Under Blue Skies - it will be great to see your name on there.

Once you join the group if you send me a message or your email address I will send you a complimentary pdf file entitled “Inspired Thoughts 2017”.  This short book has been compiled especially for our members

It would also be great if you would spread the word about the blog, the tribe etc. to your friends and family.




To become a subscriber to the blog please go over to the right hand side of this page and click the BLUE button that says “Follow”.  Once you do that you will be added to the list of subscribers.

A daily email containing an Inspirational Phrase is available by subscription and to be included in that mail out each day just send an email  with “add me” as the subject to   

Once you have subscribed the phrases will be delivered to your mail box each day completely free of charge...

Have a fantastic day and live a life of Passion and Power.

And above all

Don't Predict The Future - CREATE IT!

DAve x

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