Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Stream Flow Writing

This week I am going to talk for a short while about something that I have elected to call “Stream Flow Writing”This is not a new concept – in fact there are many people already doing this under various names and guises.

Friday, 22 December 2017

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Thoughts About Self Love & How To Practice It

(image by - wytchwynd photography)

Over the years I have made many mistakes and taken numerous turnings on the road we call life.  I made choices that I believed were right at the time, but the long term effect was that they were not the best decisions I could have made.

Thursday, 14 December 2017

Video Bytes #9

The latest video byte - "We Are What We See In Others!"

Another short video recorded this morning in the car  


Mission Statement:- “to inspire and empower people to  create lasting change!”

About Dave   I am a coach; speaker; radio presenter and founder of The Blue Sky Company.  I am also a therapist and co-own a virtual light centre called The Crystal Spring.  My therapy work includes music therapy; crystal therapy and I recently qualified as a Reiki Master / Teacher and I am currently studying a Colour Therapy course,

If you would like to know more about the blog or my therapy work etc, then please email

I would love you to join our Facebook page Under Blue Skies that plays host to a group of like - minded people (the tribe).

And as a thank you for joining I would love to send you a complimentary Members Only pdf file entitled “Inspired Thoughts 2017”  

To get you copy, please send me your best email address and it will be winging its way to you.

It would also be fantastic if you would spread the word about the blog, the tribe etc. to your friends and family.



Wytchwynd Photography


To subscribe to the blog please go over to the right hand side of this page and click the button that says “Follow”.  Once you do that you will be added to our list of subscribers.

Feel free to share this and other posts with your friends and associates

Inspirational Phrases

We send out a daily email containing an Inspirational Phrase. 

However, to ensure that we comply with the relevant regulations this is a subscription only service. 

To be included please send an email using “add me” as the subject to  

When you have subscribed the phrases will be delivered to your mail box every day at no cost to you whatsoever.

It would also be great if you would spread the word about the blog, the tribe etc. to your friends and family

Have a fantastic day, live a life of Passion and Power.

And above all

Don't Predict The Future - CREATE IT!
DAve x

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

The Most Difficult Time Of My Life.

(Image courtesy of

Hi and thank you for joining me again on my blog.  Today I am going to talk about the time of my life which has been the most difficult to deal with.

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

10 Things I Am Grateful For

(photo: wytchwynd photography)

Hi and welcome to the Under Blue Skies blog.  If you have been following for some time you will know that I try to publish pieces that I believe will have some relevance to people’s everyday life

Friday, 1 December 2017

Vision Board

Hi everybody, for the first time in a couple of years I have had the feeling that there are big changes on the horizon and that an important step in working towards making those changes was to create a new vision board.

15/11/23 Making My Way Back…….

  Hello and Merry Meet After what seems to be an absolute eternity I feel that I am now getting into a position where I can begin to reboot ...