Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Habits To Help Transform Your Day

(©2018 wytchwynd photography)

Hi and welcome to the Under Blue Skies blog page.  

I hope that your week is going according to plan and that you are managing to do most, if not all, of the things that you need to do.

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

New podcast episode

Hi and welcome to the blog

This post was originally planned to be a talk about Homeopathy, however my phone did an update the day before this recording and whilst the recorder was running it appeared to be switching off.

As a result of this we deferred the Homeopathy recording to the 28th and just sat there chatting.  Later I realised the recorder had been working all the time, it was only the screen shutting down (because I had the phone set to power saving mode)

So click below to listen to our chat

I hope that you enjoy this "fly on the wall" podcast and will listen to the homeopathy one in due course.

Until the next time I will wish you the best things that life can give and remember...........

Don't Predict The Future - CREATE IT!

DAve x

To email me CLICK HERE

Monday, 23 April 2018

Wish For Today 23/04/18

Today's Wish For Today

Wish For Today 23/04/18 from UB Skies on Vimeo.

If you would like to learn more please drop me an EMAIL


The Under Blue Skies Workbook is being proof read now and once any final edits are done it is going to print.  

I have opened up a pre - order list so if you would like a copy to be sent to you as soon as I receive them please drop me an email. 

The early bird (advance order) price is £7.50
Normal price is £9.50 

(©2018 wytchwynd photography)
Wishing you the best things that life can give

Don't Predict The Future - CREATE IT!

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Wish For Today

My Wish For Today 18/04/18

Wish For Today 18/04/18 from UB Skies on Vimeo.

Thank you for watching if you would like to email me


Have a great day and I will catch you again soon

Don't predict the future - CREATE IT!

DAve x


The Under Blue Skies Workbook is being proof read now and once any final edits are done it is going to print.
(©2018 wytchwynd photography)

I have opened up a pre - order list so if you would like a copy to be sent to you as soon as I receive them please drop me an email. 

The early bird (advance order) price is £7.50
Normal price is £9.50 

20 Myths About Life in the 21st Century

I decided that for this post I wanted to find at least 20 examples of the myths that circulate around society and which amount to misinformation about life in the 21st Century.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

A Changing World

Hi and welcome to a changing world

I thought that this week I would give you an insight into some of the exciting developments and changes that are currently taking place within my business.

Thursday, 5 April 2018

March Review 2018

Hi and welcome to Under Blue Skies and to the video review of the month of March

March Review from UB Skies on Vimeo.

If you would be interested in putting your name down for an early copy of the new workbook that is very near to completion please drop me a line via the link below

(image ©2018 wytchwynd photography)

click here to add your name to the list of advanced orders

Love and light to you all

DAve x

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

8 Different Views of Life

Hi and welcome to the latest post from Under Blue Skies.  This week I have been on the receiving end of a lot of communication from various sources and I was prompted to do a little bit of research to determine how people who shared certain characteristics could be grouped together.  During that research I stumbled across this piece.

15/11/23 Making My Way Back…….

  Hello and Merry Meet After what seems to be an absolute eternity I feel that I am now getting into a position where I can begin to reboot ...