Hi it's DAve
If you are disenchanted with your life or you feel that it is going in a direction that is not the way you want, it is possible to change it, BUT, the change has to begin with you and only you.
No-one can live your life for you and no-one can tell you how to live your life!
You are in charge of your life and it is always better to start to change later in your life than not to change at all!
On your journey you will be faced with decisions and it is necessary To understand that no matter where you are it is still working progress, but each time you make progress it is a moment to be proud!
Do not allow fear to paralyse you - change is the way forward so embrace the change and where it is going to take you - if you are comfortable because of where you are in your life don’t be complacent. So over the coming weeks I will elaborate on each of the points listed at the start of this post and hopefully they will help you move forward towards a better more positive life that you create for yourself.
So now let us begin the journey of the six steps!
Step One - you must decide what you want out of life!
What do you want to change about your life?
How do you want it to grow into the life you want?
Deciding what you want to do can help you focus on the decisions and promises you are making. You need to identify your “keystone” or most important habit that you want to change in your life.
To find out what it is ask yourself:-
What is constantly nagging at me - is it something I don’t want to do anymore or is it something I am desperate to do?
Focus on changing one thing at a time rather than trying to do many things at once. Focusing on a single habit is always much better, easier and less confusing.
Thank you for joining me and please pop a note in your diary to make sure that you get the next step in a week's time.
DAve x
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I hold qualifications in each of the following disciplines:-
Life Coaching (Honours Diploma)
Music Therapy (Diploma)
Crystal Therapy (Practioner)
Reiki (Practitioner)
Dementia Awareness
In addition to the above I am compiling a series of short videos that will provide an
Introduction To Mindfulness