Tuesday 20 October 2020

A Fresh Look At The Wheel Of Life

Hi everyone, it's Dave and I would like to welcome you to this week's blog. 

As part of my "getting back to what matters" process I have taken a look at some of the tools I used to recommend to my clients and one of them was something called "The Wheel of Life" that I included in some of my early workbooks.

I now  believe that in 2020 / 21 this will prove to be a valuable tool for bringing some semblance of order and direction into our lives and it will help us to focus on areas of our life where we can make improvements.

The wheel is broken into 8 segments and this allows you to see how you stand and where you can make improvements.  I recommend that you focus on only one segment at a time rather than trying to handle all 8 areas at once.

So that said, let us look a the different areas that make up the wheel - the order they are placed in is quite important.  

The main areas are as follows:-

Home        Family        Work        Friends        Wellbeing        Relationships

Adventure        Money  

and so we need to establish a base line for each area.  This will give a point from which we can move forwards.  To do this rate each area a score of between 1 and 10 where 1 is the lowest (it really sucks) and 10 is the highest (it can't get and better than this).

Once you have done this then take your lowest scoring segment and work to increase its score by a total of 3 points during the next 4 weeks.  These baby steps are vital and you will need to do some real thinking to determine ways that you can raise the level by just 1 point per week.

When you find that you have managed to raise the point level for that segment then move on to the next lowest scoring segment and see if you can raise that one by the same amount.

You can, if you have the time, work on more than one section at a time but the aim is to go back to it often and consider what actions you can take to raise the scores. 

If you feel it would help you then you could also consider if there is someone you know to who would hold you to account and spur you on to do this work.

So what remains now is to wish you "Good Luck" and say that I hope you are soon hitting 10s all around the wheel.


The 2021 Workbook is now in progress!

However if you wish to order a copy of the outgoing 2020 workbook please navigate to the Shopping Page

Business Developer / Coach Emma Kersey said this about the 2018 Workbook

"Sorry I didn't get round to fully utilizing the e-book but please know that just reading it helped massively........... just needed a push and the book did that so thank you"


About Dave   I am a personal development coach; a therapist; speaker; and  radio presenter.  A number of years ago I founded The Blue Sky Company to enable me to develop my work in more ways.  In addition I am also a therapist and my therapy work includes music therapy; crystal therapy, Reiki and I am working towards a Diploma in Mindfulness.

If you would like to know more about my therapy work etc, then please email me.

If you would like to join our Facebook group just follow the link below to the Under Blue Skies page. The page is home to a group of like - minded people (affectionately knows as "the tribe").

By way of a thank you for their continued support Tribe Members regularly receive exclusive content that I do not post anywhere else.  The page also provides advanced information about forthcoming projects and events.

So please spread the word about the blog, the tribe etc. to your friends and family and I hope to see you as a member of our "Tribe" soon.

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Have a fantastic day, live a life of Passion and Power.

And above all

Don't Predict The Future - CREATE IT!


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