Wednesday 2 November 2022

A Duck Does Not Know She's A Duck.......



       A Duck Does Not Know

           She's A Duck............

Hi and thank you for joining me for this week's blog post here on Altered Image Coaching.

First let me begin with a quotation

"A duck does not know that she is a duck, she only knows that she floats and flies" - Does this apply to you?

So if you went through life not taking any chances nor trying new things how would you life look?

On the other hand if you lived your life surrounded by high achievers would it not be logical for you to work in such a way that you too became a high achiever?

If someone then comes along and tells you that you cannot be doing such and such a thing because you are only a "?" 

Then boy - you have just inherited an limiting belief and you will begin to behave like a duck!

So here is a challenge for you.  It is very easy and I guarantee that probably everyone reading this post will take the challenge and they will probably thing "Well that was simple!"

So what is the first challenge?  It is to pick something in the room you are in that is  solid.

Now I'll bet you pointed to a door, a chair, a desk or a table or something similar, and I would now wager that every single one of you is incorrect because nothing in the room is solid!

At least one of you will now be thinking that I am talking complete rubbish, but let's just stop and think for a moment!

Many years ago it was discovered that things existed that were called molecules and it was also discovered that everything is made up of molecules!

In fact we can go a step smaller and say that the molecules are made up of atoms.  But we can still go a stage further and say that the atoms are made up of protons and neutrons.

All of these tiny microscopic objects are moving about and so therefore nothing can truly be called "SOLID".  These tiny particles have one thing in common, they are all energy so therefore it must follow that everything is made up of energy.

The fact that everything vibrates was proven by the Nobel Lauraeate scientist Max Planck.

Celia Wright in a discussion about energy medicine stated the following:-

"if you took all the matter in our bodies and stuck it all together with no spaces in between it would all pack into one little toe!  The rest of us would be empty"

So I hope that you have find this piece of interest and it helps to put things into some sort of perspective.

If you find that these points have raised any questions please feel free to drop them to me in an email -  

Thank you for reading this post, I hope that you have found it interesting and that it will be useful to you going forwards.

So until the next time have a fantastic week and I will speak to you again soon.

DAve x


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About Dave   I am a personal development coach; a therapist; speaker; and  radio presenter.  A number of years ago I founded my coaching practice and although it has gone through various incarnations the core of Altered Image Coaching has always remained the same to help and encourage people to live their best lives.  


I hold qualifications in each of the following disciplines:-

Life Coaching (Honours Diploma)

Music Therapy (Diploma)

Crystal Therapy (Practioner)

Reiki (Practitioner)

Dementia Awareness

In addition to the above I am compiling a series of short videos that will provide an 

Introduction To Mindfulness

To find out more about how we could be able to work together or to just dive straight in and book a session, then please send me an email

If you would like to join our Facebook group just follow the link to the new

This page is home to a group of like - minded people (also affectionately known as "The Tribe") and as a thank you for their continued support people who join "The Tribe" often receive exclusive content that I do not post anywhere else.  

Plus the page also provides advanced information about forthcoming projects and events.

So please spread the word about the blog, the tribe etc. to your friends and family and I hope to see you as a member of our "Tribe" soon.



Wytchwynd Photography:



       The 2022 Personal + Lifestyle Development Coaching Workbook is soon to be retired and the last few copies are available at a very reasonable pricc.

email: for payment and download information


Please email if you would like to purchase (for a very reasonable £7.50) the link that will let you download a copy of our 2021 workbook:- 

                         The 2021 Altered Image Coaching 90-Day Workbook 

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Have a fantastic day, live a life of Passion and Power.

And again, above all remember

"Don't Predict The Future - CREATE IT!"

DAve x

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