Wednesday 1 March 2023

How Do I Become A Life Coach (Part 3)


Hi and welcome to Part 3 of my mini series "How Do I Become A Life Coach?"  and this week's piece is called:-

Take A Look At Yourself!

It is my belief that before you can become an effective coach, you need to take a look at yourself and then set to work on the areas of your persona that you feel need attention.

To begin with I suggest that you write down your definition of a healthy life, how does it look and what does it feel like?

How does your own life compare with the definition you have given?  Be honest in your answer because this exercise will not be any use to you unless you are!

Having done this I believe that it is also necessary to consider various other key areas that I feel are most important.  Namely these are:-








Write down how you honestly feel about your life in each area and then score each area out of 10 (where 1 is the lowest and 10 the highest)

Having done this begin to work on one area at a time.  Make it your goal to increase you score by 3 over the coming four weeks. For each positive step forward you identify (and make) give yourself 1 point.

If you feel that you have gone as far as you can (and have increased your score in the first area), move on to the next area.

Please note that there is no "quick fix" to this because to do it properly will take time but it really is worthwhile!

If you feel that your need to talk about your progress or you need more explanation about the system.  Feel free to drop me an email by clicking the link.  Or if you want to go direct then my address is 

Thank you for reading this, I hope that you carry out the exercises and feel free to use them with your clients as you move forwards on your coaching journey.  I will be back again next week with part 4.  

So until then have a great week.

DAve x


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About Dave  Personal development coach; music therapist; speaker, radio presenter


"I established my coaching practice a number of years ago and although it has gone through various incarnations the core of Altered Image Coaching has always remained the same - to help and encourage people to live their best lives".


I hold qualifications in each of the following disciplines:-

Suicide Alertness - awarded 2019

Music Therapy (Diploma) - awarded 2016

Personal Performance Coaching Certificate - awarded 2008

Life Coaching (Honours Diploma) - awarded 2007

Introduction To Counselling Certficate - awarded 1995

Introduction To Employee Investigation Certificate - awarded 1993

Crystal Therapy (Practioner)

Reiki (Practitioner)

Dementia Awareness

I have also compiled a series of short videos that help provide an 

Introduction To Mindfulness

To find out more about how we might be able to work together or to just dive straight in and book a session, then please click here to send me an email

If you would like to join our Facebook group just follow the link to the new

This page is home to a group of like - minded people (also affectionately known as "The Tribe") and as a thank you for their continued support people who join "The Tribe" often receive exclusive content that I do not post anywhere else.  

Plus the page also provides advanced information about forthcoming projects and events.

So, please spread the word about the blog, the tribe etc. to your friends and family and I hope to see you as a member of our "Tribe" soon.



Wytchwynd Photography:



Keep an eye open for the 2023 Workbook (#7) 

Please email: for more information


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Have a fantastic day, live a life of Passion and Power.

And again, above all remember

"Don't Predict The Future - CREATE IT!"

DAve x

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