Monday, 24 December 2018

Season's Greetings

Merry Christmas / Happy Yule / Joyeux Noel 

The next post date will be 02/01/19

Thank you for all your support during the past year


Don't Predict The Future - CREATE IT!

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Behind The Vision Board

©2017 My 2018 Vision Board

Let us take a look at the way to create a vision board that actually works.  The secret behind every good vision board is that it helps push you forwards in life and works towards turning what once seemed impossible into something that is very, very possible.

Friday, 14 December 2018

The 2019 workbook preview video


I am extremely happy to be showing this preview video of the 2019 workbook I have produced for Under Blue Skies

I will be adding an electronic version of the book to the shopping page shortly but to get a hard copy costing £12 + shipping please email me your shipping details and I will the contact you for your PayPal information and shipping will take place once cleared funds are in the account.

many thanks and remember

Don't Predict The Future - CREATE IT!


Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Some Bits From My Filing Cabinet

(Photo: ©2018 wytchwynd photography)

Hi I can tell it is getting towards the end of the year because all around me people are clearing out drawers, files, in-trays etc. 

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Some Tips on Self Appreciation

Photo by A L L E F . V I N I C I U S Δ on Unsplash

Hi and welcome to the first blog of the "Festive Season".  It is time when you show appreciation and good will to all me, so why not to yourself?

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

A Video Containing A Few Tips on Organisation

Hello and welcome to Under Blue Skies and the last post of our month on the theme of Organisation.

For this post I have chosen to share the latest video I created on the subject.  This video is called Supporting Your Goals and contains some organisational tips, that might improve your productivity.

I truly hope that you enjoy the video and that you subscribe to my You Tube channel.

Please leave a comment in the box and give it a thumbs up as well.

Many thanks

DAve x


About Dave   I am a coach; speaker; radio presenter and founder of The Blue Sky Company.  I am also a therapist and co-owner of a virtual light centre called The Crystal Spring.  My therapy work includes music therapy; crystal therapy and I recently qualified as a Reiki Master / Teacher and I am currently studying a Colour Therapy course,

If you would like to know more about the blog or my therapy work etc, then please email me

I would love you to join our Facebook page Under Blue Skies that plays host to a group of like - minded people (the tribe).

And as a thank you for joining I would love to send you a complimentary Members Only pdf file entitled “Inspired Thoughts 2017”  

To get you copy please send me your best email address and it will be winging its way to you.

It would also be fantastic if you would spread the word about the blog, the tribe etc. to your friends and family.



Wytchwynd Photography


To subscribe to the blog please go over to the right hand side of this page and click the button that says “Follow”.  Once you do that you will be added to our list of subscribers.

Feel free to share this and other posts with your friends and associates

Inspirational Phrases

We send out a daily email containing an Inspirational Phrase. 

However, to ensure that we comply with the relevant regulations this is a subscription only service. 

To be included please send an email using “add me” as the subject to  

When you have subscribed the phrases will be delivered to your mail box every day at no cost to you whatsoever.

It would also be great if you would spread the word about the blog, the tribe etc. to your friends and family

Have a fantastic day, live a life of Passion and Power.

And above all

Don't Predict The Future - CREATE IT!
DAve x

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Quick Organisational Tips To Help Reduce Your Stress

Hi and thank you for joining me on the Under Blue Skies blog.  This week I wanted to stay within the framework of "Organisation" and so I decided that I would look at a few tips that can help you reduce your stress.

Manage your time.

Create some small routines.  These will help lower your stress because you will have some predictable things happening in your day.

Your schedule does not have to be rigid.  Create some short to do lists for the day and say (aloud) what you are grateful for every day. 

Prepare Well

Each evening spend 10 minutes or so preparing, write down meal plans and make packed lunches.  Decide what you are going to wear and make sure that everything is in one place.  Arrange to have meeting with one or more friends who make you laugh.

Enjoy Small Things

Focus on the details of those everyday things you do and slow down, make certain that you enjoy the current moment.

Move About Regularly

Taking regular exercise goes a long way to reducing stress and improving general health.  Small periods of activity work very well if you are not able to get to do a full workout. 

Walking for 10 minutes can be just as good as a 45 minute workout in reducing (or even relieving) anxiety

Laugh Often

A good laugh releases endorphins and improves both your mood and your immune health.  Laughter lowers stress hormone levels (cortisol and epinephrine) and helps improve the management of physical pain.

Enjoy Nature and Being Creative

Spending time outdoors is a natural antidepressant plus natural sounds, smells and colours can have a calming effect.

Draw, paint, listen to music or spend time dancing.

Controlled Breathing

5 minutes of slow regular breathing will reduce stress, lower your heart rate and your blood pressure

Daily Meditation

There is a lot of mis-information about meditation – you do not have to learn to meditate, it is a skill that we all have! 

When you take a bath and just thing of nothing – that is meditating

When you lose yourself in soft music – that is meditation!

Keep A Journal

Keeping a few simple notes allows you to reflect and focus your thoughts.  The entries can be as long or as short as you need them to be (there is no right or wrong).

You can cover positive things, thoughts, feelings, achievements and all the little things that happen that have meaning for you

Sleep Well!

About Me  

As the founder of The Blue Sky Company I am dedicated to building a business that:-

“Inspires and Empowers people to create Lasting Change

I am a Personal Development coach; speaker; radio presenter; therapist and co-owner of a virtual light centre called The Crystal Spring .

My therapy work includes music therapy; crystal therapy and Reiki (Master / Teacher).
If you would like to know more about my work in any of the above therapies then please email me

If you have found this (and my other posts) interesting I would really like you to  become a member of our Facebook family Under Blue Skies and you can do this by following this link:-



           Facebook                                   Twitter

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My Other Sites


Wytchwynd Photography



To subscribe to this blog please click the button that says “Follow” on the right hand side of the page and you will be added to our list of subscribers.

I sincerely hope that you have found this article (or any of my others) interesting and/or useful.  If so, then it would be fantastic if you could leave a comment in the “comment” box below.

Please share this and my other posts with your friends and associates so that together we can work towards making this world a better place.

Have a fantastic day, live a life of Passion and Power.

And above all

Don't Predict The Future - CREATE IT!

DAve x

The Under Blue Skies Workbook, the Mini Goal Pages and a selection of my musical work together with items by other content creators can now be purchased from my Shopping Page which is accessed by clicking the tab at the top of the page.

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Something For The Weekend.....

The Weekend Starts Here.........

Sunday Morning in South Molton

However despite that lovely blue sky in the photograph, the weather on Friday was totally horrible.  It was windy, wet and not very warm here in North Devon.

I eventually got away from the office at 4.30pm despite having planned to leave 2 hours earlier and drove over the edge of Exmoor to South Molton.   By the time I arrived on site it was dark, the rain was driving across the field and the wind was rather strong to say the least.  

First job was to connect up the power and then once I could see inside the caravan, get the heating on.  It is never my favourite job (messing with electrical connections in the rain) but I got it done.  The heater was fired up and then I could start the other jobs that had to be done.......

Connect the water system to the mains
Charge the water system
Set up the waste run off
Connect the tv aerial to the external socket.

Then get out of the soggy wet clothes......oops no!  There is nothing to eat, so jump in the car and go to Sainsbury's to get some supplies.  

The amazing dinner I concocted was as follows:- Crumpets and Cheese and a Belivita breakfast biscuit, yummy washed down with a cup of steaming hot coffee!

Having eaten I decided I would do some work because I still had a couple of hours to kill before Alison arrived......then I discovered I could not get an internet connection - arrggghhhh!!!
However, I coped!


After a fairly leisurely breakfast listening to the rain bouncing on the roof of the van we decided that we were going to "take the bull by the horns" and head off to Exeter as planned.  We ended up at Martin's (Chris Martin from Coldplay is the owner's son).  They did not have the caravan we were interested in viewing but they did have an absolutely stunning Mercedes Camper.  This one vehicle has changed my mind about VWs (they are simply out of my price range) and the Merc is a much more affordable vehicle, so who knows?

After visiting Martin's we went into Exeter for some lunch and dined at "The Range".  Having eaten we shopped and bought ourselves a little Yuletide luxury - we bought a snowman who we have christened Pete.

On the drive back we trundled through the Devon lanes stopping every so often to take photos.

Before finally arriving back at the caravan in the late afternoon.

We then decided that we would go to the "clubhouse" for dinner and during the meal we watched a video that our daughter Dawn was streaming from Ilfracombe.  The town was being treated to an amazing video spectacular (put together by my ex boss) to pay tribute to the fallen of the 1st World War. 


We woke to more raindrops on the caravan roof, but it was only a passing shower and after breakfast we took our time packing everything down and preparing to put the caravan into storage for the winter months.
We eventually pulled off site about 1.30pm and drove home.

In the evening Dawn (still our Daughter) asked if we could go out for dinner because she wanted a carvery.  The only place we could find was the Pack Of Cards, in Combe Martin so off we went.  A very nice carvery although compared to some places it is quite pricey.  For 3 of us with 3 glasses of J20 the bill was a shade over £40.  

So all in all an excellent albeit wet weekend for the last one of the season (maybe)!


I know that this is a total departure from the normal Personal Development post I would normally provide on a Wednesday, but owing to the trip away and no internet connection I have been unable to put together anything for this week.  Normal Service will be resumed next week though.  

If people would like to have a more informal feel and the odd post that is along these sort of lines then please leave a comment in the box and if enough of you want me to I will add some of these posts in more regularly.


About Me  

As the founder of The Blue Sky Company I am dedicated to building a business that:-

“Inspires and Empowers people to create Lasting Change

I am a Personal Development coach; speaker; radio presenter; therapist and co-owner of a virtual light centre called The Crystal Spring .

My therapy work includes music therapy; crystal therapy and Reiki (Master / Teacher).
If you would like to know more about my work in any of the above therapies then please email me

If you have found this (and my other posts) interesting I would really like you to  become a member of our Facebook family Under Blue Skies and you can do this by following this link:-



           Facebook                                   Twitter

           Pinterest                                     You Tube

My Other Sites


Wytchwynd Photography



To subscribe to this blog please click the button that says “Follow” on the right hand side of the page and you will be added to our list of subscribers.

I sincerely hope that you have found this article (or any of my others) interesting and/or useful.  If so, then it would be fantastic if you could leave a comment in the “comment” box below.

Please share this and my other posts with your friends and associates so that together we can work towards making this world a better place.

Have a fantastic day, live a life of Passion and Power.

And above all

Don't Predict The Future - CREATE IT!

DAve x

The Under Blue Skies Workbook, the Mini Goal Pages and a selection of my musical work together with items by other content creators can now be purchased from my Shopping Page which is accessed by clicking the tab at the top of the page.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Procrastination and How To Deal With It

Photo: ©2018 wytchwynd photography

Let me start this first post of “organisation month” by welcoming you to the Under Blue Skies blog (if you are not already a follower please click the “follow” button).  I felt that since we are talking about organisation this month in both the blog posts and the Wish For Today posts I had better speak a little about one of the biggest problems that affects us all.

It can be very sneaky and sometimes it does not really feel that we are doing anything bad although we often put things off until the very last minute or even second and sometimes we just end up just not doing the thing we should be doing and start to feel bad about it.

So let us face facts – you are never going to feel good about doing some things despite what you say – WE ALL procrastinate at some time in our lives!


Some of us will procrastinate on doing something because it takes us out of our comfort zone.  We may have a tool box full of strategies but we still delay the action as much as we possibly can. However once we complete the task we realise that it wasn’t really as bad as we believed it was going to be.

We have a tendency to blame social media but in reality procrastination has been around for more years than the internet and it is stated in by Oxford Dictionaries that the word procrastinate appeared in the late 16th century.

FEAR is the key to a lot of procrastination!

Fear can be a major factor in the cause of procrastination

Fear of Attachment
Fear of Becoming Separated
Fear of Success
Fear of Failure
Fear of Being Controlled
Fear of Being Free

Procrastination often affects health and relationships as well as time management BUT to procrastinate is not a symbol of failure.  Many highly successful people can be prone to procrastination.  However if it does affect your health or your relationships then maybe you should rethink your definitions of success. 

If you are suffering from severe procrastination related to anxiety then it is important to ask for help from friends and family and then if necessary take medical and/or professional advice.

You can do some self help providing that the affliction is not too deep or complicated. You could do some “soul searching” even though it might be uncomfortable.  Ways to do this include

Creating Vision Boards

Recognise that procrastination is a habit even though you may have forgotten what actually created the habit but you can take action against it.

When you realise that you are making excuses not to do something or that you are wasting time in order to avoid getting things done. 

Simply follow the instruction below and then start doing the thing you have been putting off……..

Starting from 5 and count backwards to zero and once you reach zero start to take action on the thing you have been procrastinating about.



About Me  

As the founder of The Blue Sky Company I am dedicated to building a business that:-

“Inspires and Empowers people to create Lasting Change

I am a Personal Development coach; speaker; radio presenter; therapist and co-owner of a virtual light centre called The Crystal Spring .

My therapy work includes music therapy; crystal therapy and Reiki (Master / Teacher).
If you would like to know more about my work in any of the above therapies then please email me

If you have found this (and my other posts) interesting I would really like you to  become a member of our Facebook family Under Blue Skies and you can do this by following this link:-



           Facebook                                   Twitter

           Pinterest                                     You Tube

My Other Sites


Wytchwynd Photography



To subscribe to this blog please click the button that says “Follow” on the right hand side of the page and you will be added to our list of subscribers.

I sincerely hope that you have found this article (or any of my others) interesting and/or useful.  If so, then it would be fantastic if you could leave a comment in the “comment” box below.

Please share this and my other posts with your friends and associates so that together we can work towards making this world a better place.

Have a fantastic day, live a life of Passion and Power.

And above all

Don't Predict The Future - CREATE IT!

DAve x

The Under Blue Skies Workbook, the Mini Goal Pages and a selection of my musical work together with items by other content creators can now be purchased from my Shopping Page which is accessed by clicking the tab at the top of the page.

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Devon Holistic Diary November update

Hi and welcome to Under Blue Skies.

The November edition of the Devon Holistic Diary (podcast) is now available.

Follow the link to listen and if you have an event coming up that you would like including in the December listing, please let me know before the 25th of November.  You can email all the details to me at or

I look forward to hearing from you

DAve x

Doing An Emergency Life Audit

(©2018 wytchwynd photography)

Welcome to the Under Blue Skies blog and in preparation for the theme for next month (which is Organisation) I decided to be a day early and cover something that is often overlooked when times get difficult.

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Making Home Made Stress Balls

(Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash)

You might not think of stress balls as a children’s thing, but I can assure you that they are. These super cool squashy balls are perfect for people who fidget, children who are affected by Autism, Sensory Processing Disorders, Anxiety and probably every child that we know. They stretch, they squeeze, and they are so much fun for everyone, including adults.

15/11/23 Making My Way Back…….

  Hello and Merry Meet After what seems to be an absolute eternity I feel that I am now getting into a position where I can begin to reboot ...