Tuesday 23 February 2021

Repair and Renew


According to recent research it would appear that one in four people will experience some kind of mental health issue each year. Such emotional difficulties (if they do not have life-threatening consequences) are not that dissimilar to breaking a leg or catching a flu virus. They can bring discomfort and pain that may last a while but they are not bringing any long-lasting effects (Although you may carry the memory for quite a time).

Society has made huge strides concerning openness regarding issues around mental health, but there are a lot of people who have adopted a “should” type of judgement when it comes to themselves and their lives.

Take for example the case of a lady who has been having a tough time – she is experiencing panic attacks and anxiety, a relationship that has fallen apart, plus friends of hers have made announcements concerning new jobs, babies and house moves.

These events create expectations and the lady believes “This is where my life should be“. She feels under pressure and is sad because she is not yet healed – this intern puts her into a state of anxiety and even deeper sadness. She begins to believe that she is doomed to live the rest of her life this way.

Broken bones heal in time, despite how painful they are, we will regain normal use but there is no short-term fix for issues of the mind, and we may feel that our sadness is going to remain with us forever.

Then we start to feel that we should be “over this by now“ we experience impatience and believe that there is only an allocated time to feel this way before we “snap out of it!“. However this is part of the process of grieving and moving forwards.

Sadly in some respects the western world bases it’s therapy for such situations in talking therapy and anti-depressant pills (both of which are useful).

However, there is a lot to be said for Eastern thinking - There is a belief in the “Dark Night of the Soul” which is regarded as “a right of passage” and an opportunity to transform/transcend and heal.

Rumi is quoted as saying “The wound is the place where the light enters you” and once you feel that, you will begin to work through your own darkness.

We often tell ourselves stories as a way of dealing with our wounds – but, we never pay any attention to the wound itself so it becomes infected and festers.

It is only when we truly examine the wound, realise the untrue stories and allow the light of healing to enter us that we are truly able to heal.

(Adapted from an article entitled “Plaster Cast For The Mind” by Ali Roff)


About Dave   I am a personal development coach; a therapist; speaker; and  radio presenter.  A number of years ago I founded The Blue Sky Company to enable me to develop my work in more ways.  In addition I am also a therapist and that work includes music therapy; crystal therapy; Reiki and I will soon be offering an introduction to  Mindfulness.

If you would like to know more about my therapy work etc, then please email me.

If you would like to join our Facebook group just follow the link below to the Under Blue Skies page. The page is home to a group of like - minded people (affectionately knows as "the tribe").

By way of a thank you for their continued support Tribe Members regularly receive exclusive content that I do not post anywhere else.  The page also provides advanced information about forthcoming projects and events.

So please spread the word about the blog, the tribe etc. to your friends and family and I hope to see you as a member of our "Tribe" soon.

Under Blue Skies
Private group · 27 members

Join Group
This group aims to concentrate primarily on Personal Change although at times there may be elements of Business Change or a cross over point somewhere...


Wytchwynd Photography


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Inspirational Phrases

In addition to the above I send out a daily email containing an Inspirational Phrase. 

To ensure that we comply with the relevant regulations this is a subscription only service and to  be included please send an email using “add me” as the subject to:- 

Once you have subscribed the phrases will be delivered to your mail box every day at no cost to you whatsoever.

Have a fantastic day, live a life of Passion and Power.

And above all

Don't Predict The Future - CREATE IT!

Tuesday 16 February 2021

Tips on Assertiveness



            Tips on


Hi and thank you for being here, I apologise for have been away from your screens but a close family member (my father) passed away and so out of respect I removed myself from posting on my blog.  But now I am back because life has to go on.....and what better way to start back than with a post about assertiveness.

Here are a few tips that I wish I had learned earlier in my life,

When you make a stand for your rights in a way that is not contradictory or a violation of other peoples rights

This is called being assertive and here are a few things that you can try in order to boost your assertiveness.

1 they are your ideas, your feelings your views own them and to get your point across say something along the lines of “this is how I see the situation......”

2 be clear on what you want by saying “I would prefer......”

3 Focus on facts and possibly use observations (not opinions) of behaviour by saying “ when I saw you do......”

4 make the distinction between opinion and fact saying something along the lines of “ in my view......”

5 be clear “ I have no preference about what we do......”

6 using open questions invite other people to present their views

7 work to focus on what can be done by using A statement such as this....... “ I know it’s difficult but we can take it into consideration........

Follow a practice of "I win / you win" and by doing so you are making a statement to the world (and to the other party) that your rights are just as important as those of other people. 

You are responsible for your own behaviour and whatever consequences that behaviour brings.

Do not get involved in I win you lose situations because this view assumes that we live in a hostile place and that the best way to survive is to be stronger. Adopting the policy of strike first because the best form of defence is attack.

Avoid I lose you win situations because this assumes that your needs are not as important as those of others. 

It shows you are anxious about standing up for what you want and therefore assert yourself by making other people feel sorry for you or you guilty

Finally it can be hard to stand up for yourself but you can learn to be a stronger person.


About Dave   I am a personal development coach; a therapist; speaker; and  radio presenter.  A number of years ago I founded The Blue Sky Company to enable me to develop my work in more ways.  In addition I am also a therapist and that work includes music therapy; crystal therapy; Reiki and I will soon be offering an introduction to  Mindfulness.

If you would like to know more about my therapy work etc, then please email me.

If you would like to join our Facebook group just follow the link below to the Under Blue Skies page. The page is home to a group of like - minded people (affectionately knows as "the tribe").

By way of a thank you for their continued support Tribe Members regularly receive exclusive content that I do not post anywhere else.  The page also provides advanced information about forthcoming projects and events.

So please spread the word about the blog, the tribe etc. to your friends and family and I hope to see you as a member of our "Tribe" soon.

Under Blue Skies
Private group · 27 members

Join Group
This group aims to concentrate primarily on Personal Change although at times there may be elements of Business Change or a cross over point somewhere...


Wytchwynd Photography


To subscribe to the blog please go over to the right hand side of this page and click the button that says “Follow”.  Once you do that you will be added to our list of subscribers.

Feel free to share this and other posts with your friends and associates

Inspirational Phrases

In addition to the above I send out a daily email containing an Inspirational Phrase. 

To ensure that we comply with the relevant regulations this is a subscription only service and to  be included please send an email using “add me” as the subject to:- 

Once you have subscribed the phrases will be delivered to your mail box every day at no cost to you whatsoever.

Have a fantastic day, live a life of Passion and Power.

And above all

Don't Predict The Future - CREATE IT!

15/11/23 Making My Way Back…….

  Hello and Merry Meet After what seems to be an absolute eternity I feel that I am now getting into a position where I can begin to reboot ...