Wednesday 30 October 2019


Hi it’s Dave and first of all let me welcome you to the Under Blue Skies blog.  I don’t know if you came here by accident, responded to something online or arrived via a search engine, but no matter which way it happened you are very welcome.

Much has been written lately on the subject of manifesting your desires and some of this is very good.  However, there is also some information in circulation that makes the whole process appear very complex.

So maybe the time has come to create a post that will provide you with some simple tips that will help you to begin, and also, get used to working with the manifestation process.

Let us assume that you are completely new to the process and as such you know nothing apart from things you might have heard people say, such as “it is great and very easy to do”, or conversely, “it is a load of rubbish, I tried it once and it didn’t work!”

However do not fall into the trap of wanting to create vast sums of money, or expensive cars etc.  Whilst these things are achievable it may be better for you to experience small manifestation successes initially and as you get used to the process and the way it works, you can move of to bigger manifestation projects.

So to begin with you need to

“Create The Beginner’s Mind”

This is very simple to do, but requires you to practice constantly.

Every day find time to sit down quietly.  Give yourself permission to let go of the chaos of the day and place your attention on the thing that you wish to bring into your life.

Let yourself feel what it is like to be living right now and in this very moment and that you have the thing you are seeking. 

Now silently ask “Where in my body do I feel the excitement of knowing that I am connected to this thing?”

Really enjoy those feelings.

Let go of the “need to know”

We are always looking for certainty, we want things to be clear and in “black and white” so that we can plan and move on with life. 

However, manifesting requires us to let go of this need to know the when, where and how the thing we desire will appear and to trust that what we seek will be fulfilled even though we cannot see the proof that is on its way.

Let go of “should” thinking                                                                                      

We must give up on the “it should be here now” thoughts or the “I should be doing more to make this happen. 

The route to successful manifestation needs you to have a clear desire, trust, and a belief that whatever you have asked for is already yours and then take the actions that feel appropriate.

Ask better questions

Such as “What can I do to prepare myself for the arrival of the thing I am manifesting?” or “How will I feel when the thing I am manifesting is here in my life?” 

Listen to and trust your inner voice or those gut feelings

When you think about the thing you are working towards how do you feel?  Do you feel happy, nervous, worried.  Allow your inner knowing to guide you in the direction of actions and steps that are right for you and do not feel pressured by other people who want you to “do it my way!”

I hope that these simple tips will help you start on the road to successful manifesting


** STOP PRESS **  For details about our brand new 2020 Workbook please click on the link to our Shopping Page.

About Dave   I am a coach; speaker; radio presenter and founder of The Blue Sky Company.  I am also a therapist and owner of a virtual light centre called Rainbow Bridge.  My therapy work includes music therapy; crystal therapy, meditation and I am currently writing courses in Basic Mindfulness and Goal Setting that will be available during 2020.

If you would like to know more about my therapy work, the courses or our Facebook group then please email me

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By way of a thank you for their continued support Tribe Members regularly receive exclusive content that I do not post anywhere else as well as advance information about forthcoming projects and events.

So it would also be fantastic if you would spread the word about the blog, the tribe etc. to friends and family alike.



Wytchwynd Photography


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Have a fantastic day, live a life of Passion and Power.

And above all

Don't Predict The Future - CREATE IT!

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